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Sanibel Island 

Just 14 miles away, Sanibel Island is one of the most sought after destinations in Southwest Florida. Whether you're looking to soak up some sun, scavenge for seashells or enjoy one of the many restaurants the island has to offer, Sanibel will not disappoint.  

Our lovely property is located within a 15-minute walking distance to downtown Ft. Myers. The downtown area contains many restaurants, cafes, shops, bars & clubs for your enjoyment. There also are two parks downtown along the Caloosahatchee River & Yacht Basin, which is lovely for both children & adults. Downtown holds many special events, 

Downtown Fort Myers 

especially in the winter months for guests & residents. February brings a huge art exhibit downtown, as well as the Edison Pageant of Light Parade, and other events. Downtown also has a new public library, located at the east end of First Street.

Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve  

The Six Mile Cypress Slough is a wonderful area for a safe, peaceful, quiet winding stroll on the raised wooden boardwalk or you may schedule a guided tour that literally  submerges you into nature. The tropical foliage provides shade in most areas while you admire the many kinds of wildlife that inhabit the preserve.You never know what you will see around the next bend! We and all our guests love the experience. 

City of Palms Park 

City of Palms Park is a stadium primarily used for baseball, though the city will host the occasional concert there as well. During the spring the park is home to the Boston Redsox, and has been so since the parks opening in 1993. The Park also hosts the local college's baseball team, the Florida Southwestern Buccaneers. 

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